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Gitche Manitou




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Dick Wainwright, Gitchi Manitou Oneness

"help each other"

-Richard Wainwrite


   The reason I undertook this project is because I believe greenhouse gases will bring about major climate change and create more stress on everyone. It is my hope that the ability to escape to a place periodically to find peace and quiet is a worthwhile gift to my family and friends.  I hope GMOT members will use the Lodge and its property as a spiritual retreat and respite from busy lives.     


     Walking amongst Paper Birches and Eastern White Pines either alone or quietly talking with a loved one or friend always gave me a feeling of peace and I’m sure lowered my blood pressure. I have wonderful memories of enjoying the serenity of the woods, the beauty of a lake, listening to the sounds of birds or a whispering wind, campfires with family and friends and seeing how bright the stars appear when there is no light pollution. As a youngster, I spent hours sitting by a trickling brook watching the busy world of water bugs, ants, butterflies, frogs etc. I often relive the magic of watching the dawn break while casting a lure from a canoe on a glass lake. 


   My hope is that the lodge will be a place of laughter, fun, caring, and exploring. We want everyone to have a safe, wonderful time and be good stewards of the land, caretakers of their lodge and good neighbors. 


730 Long Point Rd.

Lakeville, ME 04487


© 2020 by Gitche Manitou Land Trust Project

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